An Introduction to Artistic Skills
Hi everyone! This is a post which I actually practice in every day life and that I never shut up about in real life. I won't give away what it's about yet beyond the title, but here's a little introduction. If you are like me, you have a burning passion inside your heart. One that practically calls you towards the arts. If you ignore it, you feel sad and irritated. Now, I know most of you here are asking: but what exactly constitutes as an art? How do I know whether I have the skill? And surely the most dreaded, I'm not artistic in any way. First of all, there are multiple categories of art. These are: Visual Arts. When stating the word ART, this is what normally comes to mind. Such examples include painting, drawing, ceramics, photography and sculpture. Literary Arts. This is the idea of printed storytelling, of which there are three types: prose (the story), poetry and drama (a play). This is the manipulation of words to create a new world. Performing Arts. These ar...