Representation II: Body Image in Literature
Hi everyone, it's me again! I will be continuing my Representation in Literature series, this time touching on the topic of Body Image. As I have been saying in all my posts regarding these sensitive posts, I am not trying to step on any toes and what I am solely trying to do is help writers to be more inclusive in their writing in order to shed some light on what issues are in the world and reflect it in their fictional stories. Anyway, let's get started! As stated in my other post, there are four rules to representing a certain demographic well. As you may have recalled from the title, today we shall be focusing on how to represent those individuals who have Body Image issues. Your poem or story has a world of untapped potential, so why make all your characters the same when you can make complex characters that people of all countries can relate to? Just like humans, all characters should have qualities that in a combination make them all unique in their own way. These can...