An In-Depth Analysis of the Horror Genre
Hi everyone! Today I will be starting my In-Depth Analysis of certain genres series. In this series I shall be analysing the type of language used, common tropes in this genre, plot progression and how the genre meshes well with other genres, for each genre. Consider this a late Halloween treat! 😊 A GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Ever liked the feeling when your eyes scan a page and then jump off whatever you are sitting on in fear? Does it give you a thrill to be terrified of what is written on the paper? Then reading horror books is right up your alley. There is variety in what horror fiction you can read, especially nowadays, however they all follow a special formula that I will explaining in further detail in this post. There are also special techniques in order to write effective "jump out of your wits" stories, mainly the language and certain tropes used. Finally I shall be examining on how the genre compares to and mixes together with other genres. Enjoy! LANGUAGE USED: All s...